After a weeklong jury trial and the collective efforts of our Family Law Attorney Cassidy Pearson and Civil Litigation and Trial Attorney Shep Sands, our client left the Courtroom with a fresh start and eager to begin a new chapter in her life.
The Firm was hired by Counterpetitioner, Wife/Mother, to represent her in her ongoing divorce battle where little progress had been made despite the case being on file for almost two years when the Ashmore Law Firm got involved. During the next thirteen months, our Firm represented our Client against an overzealous, emotionally abusive husband who attempted to use the Courts and his skills as a practicing litigation attorney against her. He tried to run up our Client’s attorney fees to force her into a settlement that ultimately she did not believe was in the best interests of their children.
Cassidy counseled our Client throughout the case and represented her in numerous temporary orders hearings, numerous hearings on various Motions to Compel Discovery, and mediation. Cassidy and Shep counseled our Client through trial preparation, two pre-trial hearings, and ultimately a weeklong jury trial in Grayson County, Texas. Cassidy and Shep were able to successfully introduce documentary evidence to the jury as well as testimony from both expert and lay witnesses in a way that caused the jury to agree that the Parties could not effectively co-parent the couple’s young children.
Ultimately, the jury returned a verdict that made our Client, Mother, the sole managing conservator of the children and allowed her to move out of state with the children. The Father was awarded possession and access to the children as the Court deemed to be in the children’s best interests. Additionally, the jury awarded all of the $80,000 of the Ashmore Law Firm’s attorney fees as reasonable and necessary based on the complexities of the case.
Do You Need To Speak With An Experienced Family Law Lawyer In The Dallas Area?
If you need to speak to an experienced family law lawyer please contact us online or call our Dallas office directly at 214.559.7202. We help clients throughout the Dallas area with all of their family law needs and look forward to helping you.