How to Buy Car Insurance the Right Way in Texas
The ultimate guide to protecting your family from irresponsible drivers in Texas.
Car insurance is one of the most important ways to protect you and your family against the serious and often devastating results of an accident.
In this book, we discuss:
-How you can protect yourself through your own car insurance policy even if the other driver has no insurance.
-Why it is so important that you read and understand your car insurance policy. (Most people cannot answer five simple questions about their own policy).
-Why, if you file a lawsuit, your health insurance company may want to take all of the money and leave you with nothing.
-Why you wont hear the details of this report emphasized by any insurance agent.
-What exactly you must ask your agent to get this protection.
"I wrote this book on how to buy car insurance so that consumers could have good, solid, information that will protect them against irresponsible drivers." -Gary Ashmore, Attorney at Law